Thursday, November 18, 2010

Which picture represents your family?

Which picture represents your family?

As I came across these two pictures from the notorious Norman Rockwell, it made me believe that these two pictures clearly represent American families today. The question is, which picture currently represents the majority?

There once was a time were family values and the importance of being together, {having quality family time} over-powered the need for self entertainment. It was more important to invest in one another rather than to "just be in the same room" busy with the latest gadgets in hand.

As I compare these two pictures, my evaluation is that the picture on the left indicates that being with family is important. The need to connect and invest in one another is prominent.

While the picture on the right gives off that cold, quick-rushed feeling. Ya know, that feeling that clearly expresses "Thanks Ma for the meal, can I go now?"...

I also can't help but notice the differences in attire and the choice of menu items. For instance, the cigarette hanging out of the woman's mouth. The rather low neckline verses the woman on the left whom demonstrates a proper example of modesty. The husband on the left clearly represents that his wife's hard work and diligent labored love are important to him. So important that he takes that added extra step in making sure he is well presented. Indicating that the meal, the hard work of his wife, and his family members matter to him setting a well rounded example for the young men to aspire towards.
It's clearly evident how so far we've slipped concerning family values and morals.
Study any family structure and it will be clearly evident what matters most to them. Are they investing in one another, connecting and uniting as a family body? Or are they investing in the material things of this world?
My question for you this Thanksgiving season is which of these pictures best represents your family?
Which hidden message in these pictures best symbolizes your family?
Will the holidays be so rushed, fast-paced and disconnected that you and your family members won't remember them in the years to come? Or will these holidays be part of an effective and memorable legacy to be cherished by loved ones in the years ahead?

Blessings to you this holiday season!


  1. Very well put, Amy! This is a fabulous post. Something we should all spend time contemplating. Even when we think we have it together, there is always room for improvement. Even more so, when you asked the question "which hidden messages best symbolize your family" I couldn't help but ask myself, "What hidden symbols/messages/ideas are we showing that symbolize our beliefs on what family means to us?"

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours, my friend.

  2. Great post Amy! I am thankful that our family looks like the left-except we don't like turkey!

  3. Hi,

    Kat (above) sent me the link to your Thanksgiving post.

    There is nothing I like better than holiday meals together. My mother always made the holidays special even when we had almost no money; she always knew how to make something out or nothing.


  4. Oh...when I said "Kat" I meant Chili Pepper.

  5. Absolutely a great post. I think the value of family has gotten lost in the busy-ness of the world. As I look at the picture, I wonder what kind of life each family has.Could it be the family on left can afford a nice dinner, with nice clean attire. Maybe all the family on the right can afford is KFC. What are the families traditions? Maybe the boys with the ball caps on, go play ball together after dinner. Maybe the boys on the left go to their seperate rooms and read or work on model cars.Either way it seems to me, there are smiles on the faces in both pictures.

  6. I love your post! It truly represents the way America has gone and it is so very sad. It just makes me sit back and think what do I want to infulence my children as hope hope lots of people do. Thank you! Kristin
    I am a new follower! Love your blog

  7. My hope is that as our family grows older we would definitely represent the family on the left side. You do a great job keeping us neat and tidy- keep up the good work!

    Wonderful post!
